Antonius Lienzo Mercadejas "Ali" is the male lead of the novel Waves of memories written by Jonah Pacala also known as Jonnax. .
Waves of memories is a story about a girl named "Aia" who lost her memories and a man, Ali who always stay by her side despite the indifference and pain that he received from Aia.
Ali is a wealthy man who left everything to live a simple life and who becomes a fishermen to protect Aia. He love her faithfully and strongly, willing to dance with Aia in the middle of the rain so that she could remember a fragment of her memory even if it doesn't include him.
Antonius Lienzo married Aia three times without any doubts, hesitations, and uncertainties. he love her faithfully and would ready to leave everything to be with his girl and that is Aia, his family and his riches.
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